Joint Venture Model Equations

  1. A2B= 0.1 Units: undefined [-0.1,0.1]

  2. B2A= -0.1 Units: undefined [-0.1,0.1]

  3. Capital A= INTEG ( Investment A, Initial A) Units: undefined

  4. Capital B= INTEG ( Investment B, Initial B) Units: undefined

  5. FINAL TIME = 100 Units: Month The final time for the simulation.

  6. Initial A= 100 Units: undefined [0,100]

  7. Initial B= 0 Units: undefined [0,100]

  8. INITIAL TIME = 0 Units: Month The initial time for the simulation.

  9. Investment A= ROI A * Capital A + B2A * Capital B Units: undefined

  10. Investment B= ROI B * Capital B + A2B * Capital A Units: undefined

  11. ROI A= 0.1 Units: undefined [-0.1,0.1]

  12. ROI B= 0.1 Units: undefined [-0.1,0.1]

  13. SAVEPER = TIME STEP Units: Month [0,?] The frequency with which output is stored.

  14. TIME STEP = 1 Units: Month [0,?] The time step for the simulation.

A snapshot

Joint venture model.
Joint venture model.